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"It would be idle to pretend that the interpretations on this disc can challenge already existing recordings, but there is a youthful freshness that is disarming and in a way sheds new light on some of the songs. It may be unfair to name one particular soloist before the rest, but Selina Batliner, who is allotted three songs and also is photographed in action during a concert on 11 April 2018, stands out for exceptional beauty of tone and mature interpretations."
ganze Kritik
"C’est franchement beau, et que la voix de Selina Batliner est mélodieuse, je suis sous le charme."
ganze Kritik
"Im Liederblock in italienischer Sprache wirkte als Solistin Selina Maria Batliner mit. Die Sopranistin und Simon Burkhalter hätten als Musical Duo während des unterhaltsamen Intermezzos begeistert, hiess es."
ganze Kritik

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